
Examples of augmented reality visualization experiences. Single-use plastic cups accumulated for a given period of time (left); Material displaced and emitted to manufacture about eight smartphones (middle); Volume of dirty water produced, visualized in a bathroom as if it was flooded (right). Images from [Assor et al.

Be·aware is a project funded by ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche, grant ANR-22-CE33-0003) that joins the efforts of three French teams known for their research in HCI-Visu, behavioral economics, and environmental sciences:

  • Bivwac (ex Potioc) project-team (Inria, CNRS) – Bordeaux,
  • ESSEC – Paris
  • CIRED – Paris

This project started in the fall of 2022, and will last 4 years.


Be·aware explores how augmented reality (AR) systems can reduce the spatial and temporal distance between people’s choices and their environmental impact. We design interactive visualizations that integrate concrete environmental consequences (e.g. waste accumulation, rare earth mining) directly into people’s surroundings. This interdisciplinary research will be informed and validated by incentivized and controlled behavioral economics experiments based on game-theoretical models, and be guided by real environmental data and scenarios


Bivwac: Martin Hachet (co-PI), Pierre Dragicevic, Yvonne Jansen, Arnaud Prouzeau, Fabien Lotte, Ambre Assor, Aymeric Ferron, Adrien Corn

ESSEC: Angela Sutan (co-PI), Andrea Martinangeli (Paris ASSAS), Andrea Guido (PSB).

CiredCéline Guivarch, Carine Barbier, Thomas Le Gallic.

External partners: Ivan Ajdukovic, Eleonora Montagner, Eli Spiegelman (BSB).


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